Monday, June 29, 2009

Sun, you have return to me

Mr. Blue Sky has returned. It has been many moons since I've really broken a heavy sweat. Imagine wiping your face with a towel then twisting and torquing it until a glass is half full. Now that my friends is the feeling of accomplishment. It may not taste the best, but as they say good things for you don't always taste good (that actually may not be a saying, I most likely made it up). Speaking of other nonsense, how do you guys feel about hybrid cars? Yeah they are "environmentally friendly" but poop on a stick you cannot hear them coming! I put enivronmentally friendly in quotes because yeah the cars save gas; however, they use electricity to power them which is the highest pollutatant emitted. And two, the fuel cells are very difficult to dispose of. I've had a handful of near fatal experiences. I can't hear them when I make turns on the most desolate roads on the face of the earth. I swear there are never any God forsaken cars on the road, except the hybrids that nearly hit me. I don't know maybe it's me being reckless or maybe I didn't get the memo for hybrid roads only. But overall, its been good now that the beautiful CO weather is back. I leave you with this.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Live another day

Of course we all feel this, this irritable feeling that won't go away. We aren't ourselves and would like this feeling to stop shadowing us. Sometimes we get so caught up in our work or school lives and have little time for ourselves. You want success, your body screams rest. But think of it this way, no one got where they are without hard work. At times we get ahead of ourselves and need to just release the anchor, let it sit and leave the rest to the flowing water. I found this video on Youtube Yes at times we get down on ourselves but think of it this way; it could always I mean ALWAYS be worse. On a lighter note, we have the fresh air in our lungs, our superb health, and the sun continues to rise each day. I haven't gotten a chance to ride as much as I wanted in the past couple days and I never realized how important it was to my routine schedule. Not riding threw off my entire mojo. Anyways, work has taken its tole but a little hard work didn't kill anyone right (knock on wood)...No, I'm kidding. Work is busy but its great, others would kill to be in my position so I'll end the complaining. So if your down, just pick it up. It's always in the way you perceive it.

I like jelly, but not not this kind..

Imagine two old folk walking. The first thing you want to do is pass them right? They walk so slow its like watching a block roll down the street; it just doesn't happen. Imagine two old folk riding a tandem bike. The bike was bright orange with a basket and a horn. Similar to the horn that Pee-wee Herman had (young at heart but a little pedophile like). I was riding in Central Park and I don't know whose idea it was for them to take a bike ride but it was quite the spectacle. By all means it was cool to see older people riding, but I had no choice but to laugh hysterically. Have you ever seen a bowl of cubed jelly? Imagine that same movement of jiggling mass on an old person's thigh each time they pedaled. It was gross but I couldn't take my eyes off of the sick mass flopping around, it was like I was zoned into something I will never see again; like a ghost. Eventually I couldn't keep on riding at that turtle pace so I passed them. I said good day to them and they politely said hi back. It was like we were already friends because of our common hobbies. When I get old I hope to receive the same gratitude (but without the cellulite).

Friday, June 19, 2009

New York isnt as fast as you think..

Just dropped into NY the other day and we took a ride in Central Park. It was so beautiful and green, even the Gods would be envious. We had a fabulous time riding around on our road bikes, but we ran into amateur tourists on bikes riding as fast as ants. Ants are fast, but relatively talking they are slow as hell. Now these bikers, these noobs they kept on taking up the entire road and bike lane. It was like a pendulum there are 4-5 bikers in a row and you would have to time it perfectly to escape through the hole. We actually made a game of it. And get this, they didn't even wear a helmet. Don't get me wrong if you are biking then its great, power to you. But when you hop on that bike you take on the responsibility of your safety and others. Its like people tend to think all bikers are alike, pests to the road. So with that being said, we all have the responsibility to protect our reputations as bikers. And for goodness sake, stay to the right side..

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Hey..turns out we don't live in Washington....

Yeah I know right? I thought I was living in Washington for the past--umm month? Don't get me wrong, I love rain but everyday is a little too excessive. You know what they always say; "everything in moderation." Anyways, I went on a ride today up canyon and it was beautiful. The weather was just right, not too much sun not too much shade. Something weird did happen, actually something morbid. I don't know what the hell I was doing or thinking about but there was already a dead racoon carcus on the side of the road. It was closer to the rail than the yellow line. there was a car coming so I couldn't really dodge it. Yep, I had no choice but to run the poor little bastard over...again. Talk about a bad day huh? I saw everything; the guts, other stuff, the whole shabang. To be honest I tasted a little vomit in the back of my throat. Dont worry, I managed to force it back down. So the lesson for today's ride is, pay attention to everything because you never know what the hell you will run into (pun intended).

Friday, June 12, 2009

One Night Stand

So I was headed on diagnol and it started to rain again (of course). It was coming down like elephants and giraffes and at the same time getting dark. I decided to stop under a tree (i know very smart huh?) to put on my new light. I was going to put it on before I left my house but the laziness got the best of me. My backpack was off and I was all ready to put on my new bike flash light, it was quite exciting. I propped my bike up put the kick stand down and was ready to work my magic. Suddenly from God knows where this massgive gust of p.o.s wind knock over my bike. Thank goodness no one was around becuase the bike was on top of me, it was quite intimate. Enough of that, I was mad but more humorous than anything. I don't think anyone saw least I like to think so. So lesson to all of US riders, save yourself time and effort; PLEASE PLEASE put on your lights before you leave your house. Actually to think of it it may be the law now-a-days..I know I know what has this world come to? Happy Cycling.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Rain Rain Please Go Away..

Dear Lord,

Please make this rain go away. What has angered you? Please do not repeat 40 days and 40 nights of rain, because if you do it's no use. Our technology is far superior than your antics. So please make this rain go away..I went biking the other day and i really did enjoy it, but I can't take getting my entire body soaked in dirty, oily, smelly water.  It was fun the first time but I would much rather bath my pale cardboard skin the the fabulous sun. Don't get me wrong Lord, you know I am a biker through and through; I just want to ride with the wind pushing my back and the sun casting my shadow.

I hope you have reconsidered.

Yours truly,

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Rainy Days

I went on a bike ride yesterday and it was one of the best I've had in ages. It was around 2-3 oclock in the afternoon and there were hardly any cars out. I went all around town and through diagonal highway as well. This makes me crack up now, but I saw a guy wearing a serious speed helmet. You know the ones that are areodynamic and look like ridiculous cones? Yeah I saw him as he wizzed by me. I'm sure the helmet added like 50 mph on his speed. He just looked so ridiculous. But hey who am I to judge, he was pretty fast; so power to him. Maybe I should try to wear one of those, but who am I to kid...I got home and felt incredible. I broke a heavy sweat and my clothes were drenched in both rain and sweat. I felt accomplished, and dirty but in a good way. 

Monday, June 1, 2009

Oh the humidity!

We all know that CO is one of the best places to bike with all the twists and turns. It's the perfect terrain to do what we please, from novice to (wannabe) pro. Anyhow, I was just in FL and WOW it was so damn humid there. It was unreal. It was still 90 degrees at 12am. I saw maybe 1 or 2 riders on the streets. I don't blame them, I mean who would want to ride in that scorching temperature. You walk outside and break a sweat, I can't imagine riding in that weather. The weather is too hot, the roads are too cramped, and everything is so distant. Let's just say that all us riders have something special here in CO. However, I would like to ride in FL because I'm sure you would burn 3x the sweat. Maybe people on diet plans should go down there and workout..