Thursday, July 30, 2009

You Might Need Diapers

Of course it started raining again. I mean, does a bear poop in the woods? Anywho, I know this has happened to everyone, we ride our bikes somewhere then it starts raining. When we get on our bikes again the seats are soaked. Riding on the seat is uncomfortable, riding in rain in general is uncomfortable. I saw this guy walking on the sidewalk and I'm positive (or let's hope) that he was riding on a wet seat. I'm tellin you guys, it was as if he had explosive diarrhea. It was brown, wattery, all over his pants...I won't go any further. For this dude's sake I hope for him that he was riding his bike on a brown wet seat. Because if he wasn't he might consider adult diapers. Who knows, they are probably on sale. It's diarrhea season...So people, don't forget something to cover your seat in. It's best for everyone.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Bike? BiCycle?

Have you guys ever wondered why bike is spelled the way it is? The full word for bike is bicycle with a C. I know! Insane isn't it? That's like giving a monkey a wrench. Plausable yes, common *scoff* of course not. I guess while we are already criticizing the spelling of "bike" why not try byke or bice with an accent over the C. It can go on and on. How did I get started on this you ask? Ever seen Eric spelled with a Q? Eriq, whoever you are; you need sit down your parents with a plate of cookies and milk to confront them about the spelling of your name... Enjoy this song.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Put Out the Cigaratte Man

We've all seen these characters that smoke while riding. They are inhaling this smoke and exhaling it as if it were a byproduct from the bike. I am not against this, I'm actually for it. Ride wearing nothing but a leaf for all I care, but it's awesome that people choose bikes over cars. Speaking for their health it may not be the wisest choice but still a better choice (rather than driving). It's like leaving the gym and eating a handful of lard. Yes, it's bad to smoke or eat lard; but doesn't it cancel out if you ride while smoking or work out then eat lard? It is in my book...(not really). So keep on riding, ride however you want, just ride comfortably.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Dogs Are Cool: To An Extent

Dogs are awesome. Aren't they? So cute, so adorable, so fluffy. But Dear Joseph, Peter, and some other biblical disciple; do not put your poor cute dog in your bike basket. Think about it you mean s.o.b. (no offense to people who do this..) do you like riding in the back of a truck? When every bump, turn, or pebble will make you feel like your lunch will soon appear again. Yeah, you don't like that now do you? Nevermind the dog, think about the riders around you. These riders have to ride past your sluggish speed while being mesmerized by your St_p_dity. I didn't want to write the whole word. But don't get me wrong, if that's your thing then power to ya. But for the love of God, think about your dog.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Learn to park- For the new generation

Guys...this video is the epitome of evolution. haha doesn't it crack you up though? I mean biking used to be this stereotypical one genre group but now it has expanded to all ranges of ages and ethnicities. Tell you what, I want to use a TARC just for the hell of it. We've all been there when something comes up and we are either too tired or something is wrong with our we have the bad-as TARC. I thought i would share it with you guys, and the funny thing about it is that sometimes its embarassing to use a bus rack because it shows you're not strong enough. but honestly, no one cares.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

play guitar hero While Riding..

My fellow bikers, i stumbled upon this incredible peice of work. You see, biking isn't just for a particular group; it's open to anyone and everyone. It's quite inspiring that someone would spend so much time to incorporate two totally different entities. I hope you enjoy, because i did.

Oh yeah, warm weather is back! And sweating like you're giving birth has returned..

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Which are you?

Guys...check this out. I thought it was a fit for all of us cyclists. I think I am 3 of the total 6. Roadzilla of course who isn't , we need to get from point a to b and maybe c and d who knows, all I know is we need to be somewhere and you better not be in the way. The second one is the roadzuki granted i do own a subaru (dont judge me) and i always i mean ALWAYS wear a helmet, you never know what's gonna happen. And lastly, this is all of us i think (don't deny it, just accept it) but we are all to a point fixie fixies. Okay maybe we don't fit into all of the categories, but we like to show off our bikes or our speed when we pass amateurs by or as i call them noobs. So tell me guys, which one are you? Check out the comments on the bottom, they get pretty heated; and yet funny.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy Fourth to All!

Hope today is a good day for all of you, because it should be. Today is a little gloomy and I'm a little too busy with festivities to ride but hey good luck to the rest of you riders. Consider this, i've been thinking long and hard about this. What if, now bear with me, what if i decided to strap 6 rockets (bundles of 3 on each side) on my bike? I will be using my old scrappy bike, but if i do think i'm pretty sure i can hit mach 1 or even 3. Who knows? Other than severe leg and or body burns i think it would be a success, right? No, i'm just kidding...but seriously i want to do it one day or another. That's all i have for today, the day of freedom is calling. Be safe and continue to ride the roads.

p.s. after consideration, i have decided to have a total of 12 rockets (bundle of 6)....