One of the greatest stickers to grace the top tubes of bicycles around the country reads simply, “You’d look hotter in a helmet.” To realize the truthfulness of this statement, just think about how seriously "hot" a bike helmet, all by itself, really is: so smooth, so strong and firm, and O so curvy!
Really though, after the bike itself, a helmet should be the most important thing to a cyclist. Whether you’re mountain biking, road riding, touring, commuting, jumping, running from campus cops after dropping walls and staircases, or simply out for a cruise, helmets should be top priority.
As a kid, I remember going to Cub Scout day camp, where every year they terrified us with stories, movies, and pictures of other kids who were in bike wrecks, or who had been hit by cars, and who weren’t wearing helmets. These stories – and their horrifically tragic endings of brain damage, paralysis, and death – definitely served their purpose. Helmets have already saved my life twice!
According to the most recent data released by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (released in 2010 and reporting on data gathered in 2008), there were 52,000 cyclists injured in traffic accidents that year. 716 of them died. Colorado suffered 12 cyclist fatalities that same year. Despite these numbers, however, it is reported that less than half of all cyclists regularly wear a helmet. The numbers aren’t adding up – it makes no sense to not wear a helmet.
I know that back in the days of backwards adjustable baseball hats and really awesome jean jackets, helmets just weren’t cool. But come on, neither is the ER, so put on that beautiful helmet, strap it up, and pedal, knowing that you really do "look hotter in a helmet!"
- Here’s a guide to getting the best fitting helmet you can:
- Some helmet-related stats:
- And the people who brought you the “hotter in a helmet” slogan:
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