Tuesday, January 12, 2010

What would you do for a Klondike Bar?

Really, I think the question is what wouldn't you do for a Klondike bar? It's a delicacy, it's minty, it's a hint of heaven in your mouth. Why do I bring this up? Have you ever craved something so much that you would do anything to get it? Would you ride through a half foot of fresh snow to King Soopers to get a box of ice cream treats? I'm betting you would because you're probably a die hard rider, and that's fantastic. What if you came home from the store with your ice cream treats and your body was soaking wet with slush and motor oil? Would you still ride? Share some of your die hard stories...

1 comment:

RydenSwirl said...

I once road 9 miles through freezing rain to rescue a dieing squirrel. All I got in return was rabies. At least I got my ride in.