Thursday, October 28, 2010

Reasons Why Boulder Should Be #1

I know you're wondering...why hasn't Boulder been rated number one friendliest biking city in America? Minneapolis did it...


1) 300+ days of sun! (Take THAT, Minneapolis!)

2) Lots and lots of: bike racks...Boulder began converting parking spots into bike rack spots a while ago. Boulder also has many bike-friendly businesses. Some restaurants in Boulder have bike-delivery, and many more businesses aren't too strict about letting cyclists bring their rides indoors for a while.

3) Cyclists in legislation. As of two years ago, Boulder finally voted a cyclist into legislation. He's doing his job. As of last year, bicycles are allowed to ride two-abreast in bike lanes, and the law has been bent to allow motor-vehicles to cross the double yellow in order to meet the required three foot distance rating when passing cyclists.

4) Bike lanes and trails to ride. Hellooo...we're in Colorado. Mountains, anyone?

5) Hasn't happened in Boulder yet, but I'm willing to bet that Boulder will follow Denver's views on bike theft and bump up the stakes a little. As of two years ago in Denver, those little Denver yuppies were spending so much money "being green" and buying such expensive bikes (instead of cars) that legislation in Denver was changed. If you steal a bike that costs as much as a car in Denver, you stole a least in the eyes of the law. Class-two felony. Do it Boulder!

Reasons Why Boulder Isn't Number One (Yet):

1) Wasted college kids driving drunk in the middle of the day. Boulder will probably not be rated number one until kids aren't out for cyclist blood anymore.

2) Too much rivalry? The fixters vs. the spandex guys. Boulder will probably not be number one until we can suck it up and just get along.

3) Bike theft. Silly Trustafarian CU kids...I guess Daddy's wallet just can't supply that adrenaline rush.

Hmm. That's about it.

Maybe all we need is a little more anyone reading this? Come on, fellow cyclists. Unite for the common cause of number one.

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