Thursday, July 30, 2009

You Might Need Diapers

Of course it started raining again. I mean, does a bear poop in the woods? Anywho, I know this has happened to everyone, we ride our bikes somewhere then it starts raining. When we get on our bikes again the seats are soaked. Riding on the seat is uncomfortable, riding in rain in general is uncomfortable. I saw this guy walking on the sidewalk and I'm positive (or let's hope) that he was riding on a wet seat. I'm tellin you guys, it was as if he had explosive diarrhea. It was brown, wattery, all over his pants...I won't go any further. For this dude's sake I hope for him that he was riding his bike on a brown wet seat. Because if he wasn't he might consider adult diapers. Who knows, they are probably on sale. It's diarrhea season...So people, don't forget something to cover your seat in. It's best for everyone.

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