Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Hey..turns out we don't live in Washington....

Yeah I know right? I thought I was living in Washington for the past--umm month? Don't get me wrong, I love rain but everyday is a little too excessive. You know what they always say; "everything in moderation." Anyways, I went on a ride today up canyon and it was beautiful. The weather was just right, not too much sun not too much shade. Something weird did happen, actually something morbid. I don't know what the hell I was doing or thinking about but there was already a dead racoon carcus on the side of the road. It was closer to the rail than the yellow line. there was a car coming so I couldn't really dodge it. Yep, I had no choice but to run the poor little bastard over...again. Talk about a bad day huh? I saw everything; the guts, other stuff, the whole shabang. To be honest I tasted a little vomit in the back of my throat. Dont worry, I managed to force it back down. So the lesson for today's ride is, pay attention to everything because you never know what the hell you will run into (pun intended).

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