Monday, June 29, 2009

Sun, you have return to me

Mr. Blue Sky has returned. It has been many moons since I've really broken a heavy sweat. Imagine wiping your face with a towel then twisting and torquing it until a glass is half full. Now that my friends is the feeling of accomplishment. It may not taste the best, but as they say good things for you don't always taste good (that actually may not be a saying, I most likely made it up). Speaking of other nonsense, how do you guys feel about hybrid cars? Yeah they are "environmentally friendly" but poop on a stick you cannot hear them coming! I put enivronmentally friendly in quotes because yeah the cars save gas; however, they use electricity to power them which is the highest pollutatant emitted. And two, the fuel cells are very difficult to dispose of. I've had a handful of near fatal experiences. I can't hear them when I make turns on the most desolate roads on the face of the earth. I swear there are never any God forsaken cars on the road, except the hybrids that nearly hit me. I don't know maybe it's me being reckless or maybe I didn't get the memo for hybrid roads only. But overall, its been good now that the beautiful CO weather is back. I leave you with this.

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