Thursday, June 25, 2009

Live another day

Of course we all feel this, this irritable feeling that won't go away. We aren't ourselves and would like this feeling to stop shadowing us. Sometimes we get so caught up in our work or school lives and have little time for ourselves. You want success, your body screams rest. But think of it this way, no one got where they are without hard work. At times we get ahead of ourselves and need to just release the anchor, let it sit and leave the rest to the flowing water. I found this video on Youtube Yes at times we get down on ourselves but think of it this way; it could always I mean ALWAYS be worse. On a lighter note, we have the fresh air in our lungs, our superb health, and the sun continues to rise each day. I haven't gotten a chance to ride as much as I wanted in the past couple days and I never realized how important it was to my routine schedule. Not riding threw off my entire mojo. Anyways, work has taken its tole but a little hard work didn't kill anyone right (knock on wood)...No, I'm kidding. Work is busy but its great, others would kill to be in my position so I'll end the complaining. So if your down, just pick it up. It's always in the way you perceive it.

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